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 Post subject: About StressPoints
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:30 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:50 am
Posts: 4
The concept of a self- help forum for musicians and artistic performers came about as a result of my own research into professional musicians and their careers. It became very apparent that most musicians experience some sort of major crisis in their careers but are unable to talk openly about their problems, least of all to their colleagues. Several years ago debilitating performance anxiety threatened my own performing career. I lost confidence and felt confused and alienated from the profession because I wasn’t able to admit to anyone that I was experiencing difficulties. It is ironic that so many professional musicians experience various forms of career stress, but find it difficult to overcome the stigma attached to talking about specific problems. In my own experience and in the feedback I have had from various publications and research interviews, it is clear that once a problem is actually voiced, understanding and coping with specific issues becomes much easier. Musicians are best placed to understand the problems of other musicians which is why I believe there is a need for this self-help forum. Registration is completely free and the site is constructed to the highest security standards possible.

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